Caribbean STAY

Michelle & Ever­ton Phillips, a hus­band and wife team started The Wed­ding Plan­ner Plus in 1998. Their vision was to cre­ate a bridal salon which would cater to all one’s wed­dings needs and that they did!! Ever since they opened their doors they have been busy plan­ning wed­dings. Michelle, presently the Man­ag­ing Direc­tor, will tell you “there’s noth­ing I do bet­ter than plan­ning wed­dings” and she fur­ther states “it just fills my heart to see the look of sat­is­fac­tion on a bride’s face.”

A com­bi­na­tion of ded­i­cated staff, atten­tion to details, over 30 years com­bined hos­pi­tal­ity expe­ri­ence, renowned wed­ding coor­di­na­tion ser­vice, cer­ti­fied wed­ding con­sul­tants make The Wed­ding Plan­ner Plus the ideal choice for your wed­ding day. We are avail­able when­ever you wish, either by tele­phone or by e-​mail and will hap­pily assist you with all your wed­ding needs.

The Wed­ding Plan­ner Plus pro­vides brides & grooms with stress free wed­ding plan­ning, easy afford­able wed­ding pack­ages, cus­tomized wed­ding day ser­vices, a one-​stop-​shop for wed­ding attire, acces­sories, invi­ta­tions, dec­o­ra­tions and so much more. In addi­tion, we take care of all your wed­ding details.…..license acqui­si­tion, offi­ciant, flow­ers and pro­fes­sional pho­tog­ra­phy while you relax and enjoy the most impor­tant day of your lives. We are the lead­ing wed­ding plan­ners in Jamaica.

Located in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, The Wed­ding Plan­ner Plus pro­vides ready made or cus­tomized wed­ding pack­ages in exotic trop­i­cal pic­turesque set­tings in Ocho Rios, Mon­tego Bay and Negril or any other loca­tion of choice.

Choose one of our ready made pack­ages; the easy, cost effec­tive way to say “I do”, or cus­tomize your wed­ding day from our SER­VICES MENU.

Whether you require a large fam­ily gath­er­ing or a small inti­mate wed­ding, we can cus­tomize your wed­ding to suit your taste and to fit your bud­get. We invite you to take the plunge…exotic loca­tions, unpar­al­leled beauty, first class ser­vice, more value for your money, bliss­ful and trea­sured mem­o­ries awaits at THE WED­DING PLAN­NER PLUS.

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