Caribbean STAY

Rustic bar on Hog Island, a small uninhabited island, off the south coast of Grenada. Hog Island anchorage, has been a favorite for cruisers for many decades. The bar has no mains electricity or water so runs on solar panels and an old battery or two. Cruisers have pitched in to help build the bar and it's power system over the last 20 odd years. Roger has brought out an old domestic stove/oven which Mary uses to make very good pizza for Friday nights. There is a BBQ every Sunday with chicken, fish and perhaps pork, served with local side dishes. The Sunday bash attractions locals, medical students, cruisers and tourists, creating a great mix of people and cultures. Sometimes Roger arranges a band to play on the small stage hammered together in the mangroves at the water's edge. The bar is open weekday evenings and there's usually quite a group of cruisers from the anchorage gathering for sunset beers - Roger stays as long as there are customers. Grenadians come out in boats for BBQ's and party a few times a week

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