The eco-marine tour of historic Bluefields Bay starts from Belmont Beach, where fishing has been a way of life for more than 1400 years. The two - hour tour with a fisherman guide takes you to the east, where you pass close to the entrance to some sea caves where cave swallows build their nests. The next stop will be at a partially exposed coral reef, which is home to a myriad of multicoloured fishes and sea creatures. A wide range of corals can be seen in the clear waters – these include sea fans, sea whips, stag’s horn and brain coral. The warm shallow waters of the bay are an important breeding ground for marine life. Dolphins and flying fish are sometimes seen, and persons have also occasionally encounter large turtles and manatee.
From Moor Reef, the tour charts a course towards the old Spanish port of Sav-la-Mar. You will stop for a few minutes to haul in fish pots and examine the catch of the day together, before returning the fish to the water. Another five minutes along the route, you will stop at the site of some 17th - century anchors. Here, you will be entertained with tales of the famous seafarers who visited Bluefields Bay – Henry Morgan, Captain Bligh and others. Next, you will pass by the mangrove - fringed wetlands of Paradise property. It was here that the Taino Amerindians lived from around 650 AD. Your tour guide will discuss the Taino and their way of life and hear about the importance of the mangrove which help protect Jamaica's shores from tidal waves. Many seabirds will be seen cruising over the bay or diving for fish - brown pelicans, brown boobies, royal terns and magnificent frigatebirds. On your return journey you will pass by old plantations and historic sites. If you take one of the evening trips, you will hopefully get the opportunity to experience one of the breathtakingly beautiful sunsets. On the morning tour, tour guides include a swim at Bluefields Bay and a dip in the refreshingly cool Bluefields River. Lunch at a restaurant beside the bay is also in this package. The tours start at 9am and 3pm.