Business languages: English, German, Spanish
Transport Modes: Air, Ocean, Road
Cargo types handled: General Goods, Dangerous Goods, Live Animals, Perishable Goods, Valuable Goods, Restricted Goods, Human Remains
Cargo specializations: Automotive, Fashion/Textiles, Personal Effects, Chemicals, Fish/Meat, Arts/Antiques, Exhibitions, Radioactives, Fruit/Vegetables, Horses, Performing Arts, Liquids, Flowers/Plants, Gemstones, Film/TV/Music, Printed Matter, Explosives, Domestic Pets, Bullion, Hi-tech Goods, Machinery, Pharmaceuticals, Farm Animals, Mail/Parcels, Projects, Heavy/Outsize, Exotic Species, Releif/Aid
Facilities and Services: Cool Store, Distribution, Tax Free Zone, Warehousing, Pick-up/Delivery, Insurance, Consolidation, Documentation
Sales Agent for: Amerijet International, Four Star Cargo, Emery Worldwide, BWIA
Cargo Handler for: Amerijet International, Four Star Cargo, Emery Worldwide, BWIA, American Airlines, Seko Worldwide
Credit terms are cash or check, or VISA or Mastercard upon receipt.
Accounts may be set up with a deposit.
Also do business in Dutch and Papiemento.