The Caribbean Business Community, N.A. is a Miami based Corporation, founded in 2001 by Alan St. C Byles, retired Jamaican entrepreneur.
Our Management Team is dedicated to our Founder's visions of actively promoting the Caribbean Community. As members of the Caribbean Diaspora, we emphasize the positive aspects of our Community to our Non-Caribbean audience . In so doing, we are a Portal to and for the Caribbean Community worldwide.
Mission Statement
The Mission of CBCNA™ is to encourage all Caribbean people to seek out our qualified Professionals, Businesses, and Service people, trade with one another, and influence all other people worldwide to do more business with us. We shall endeavor to be partners with Community Institutions, Groups, and Foundations with a common goal to create a competitive community and an improved quality of life for all.
The Directory
The CBCNA™ Directory is a valuable, low cost tool for buyers and sellers specifically wishing to reach Caribbean counterparts, and all other people generally. It is the largest Internet trade directory of its kind, dealing foremost with Caribbean Businesses, Professionals, Resorts, Services and Nationals, and it is growing daily.
Our Directory is the most advanced, comprehensive trade directory covering Caribbean origin and Caribbean based listings, thus creating the most attractive value proposition for buyers and sellers worldwide.
CBCNA™ gives buyers the ability to contact sellers directly from the seller’s profile with the use of automatic e-mail capabilities, and gives our subscribing members the instant ability to contact buyers in a like manner. This is one of the most impressive personalized direct marketing tools. Save on brochures, stuffing, addressing, and mailing, send your profile with a personalized note.