BRYSONS INSURANCE AGENCY, a division of Geo W Bennett Bryson & Company Ltd, is a household name in Antigua and Barbuda. The company was established in 1835, and offers a wide range of insurance and shipping services.
Brysons is also the LLOYDS agent for Antigua and Montserrat since 1876, providing surveys on damaged hull and cargo as well as pre-shipment and discharge surveys and is recognized as one of the leading insurance and risk management companies in Antigua & Barbuda.
BRYSONS INSURANCE AGENCY offers coverage on all classes of insurance through its principal insurance carrier NAGICO and through a net work of insurance providers in the London and United States markets on a needs basis including Lloyds underwriters.
Some classes of insurance offered are:
-- Commercial Property All risk & Fire and Perils
-- Contractors All risks
-- Homeowners and Householders Comprehensive
-- Medical
-- Loss of Profit
-- Marine Hull & Cargo
-- Aviation
-- Commercial and Private Motor
-- Plant Erection
-- General Liability Insurance
-- Political Risk & Professional Indemnity insurance
In 1992 NAGICO appointed Geo W. Bennett Bryson & Co. Ltd T/AS Bryson’s Insurance Agency as general insurance agents in Antigua & Barbuda in the wake of the departure of the international companies. At present NAGICO is represented in 19 islands from the British Virgin Islands in the North to Curacao in the South. NAGICO takes its commitment to and the confidence of its policyholders very seriously. As a result, NAGICO purchases only quality reinsurance protection using reputable reinsurance brokers with triple A- rated reinsurers in the international markets. Their proven track record, achievement and expertise in handling catastrophe programs have been a tremendous asset to NAGICO and its policyholders.
NAGICO has paid all valid claims arising from hurricanes and other disasters in the territories where it is represented and maintains catastrophe contingency funds in each territory allowing for easy, hassle free disbursement of claim proceeds to policyholders.
Through our team of highly qualified and experienced staff, NAGICO and their agents throughout the Caribbean are able to satisfy all your insurance requirements. We are available at any time to discuss your needs. FAST, FAIR, ALWAYS THERE! Call us today!
Friars Hill Road
Telephone: 1-268-480-1220/3
Facsimile: 1-268-462-5538
Falmouth Main Road
Telephone: 1-268-480-1270
Facsimile: 1-268-480-1271